Writing is such a solitary activity that whenever we have a chance for getting together with writers, readers, and general book-lovers we know it will be a good time.
Well, I am excited today to announce two such get-togethers to help launch Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table.
10:00 Saturday, October 12 New-Bo Books 1105 3rd St. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 10:00 a.m.
Reading and signing
Sunday, October 13 Abbe Hills Farm Abbe Hills Road, Mount Vernon, IA 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Reading, signing, and veggie gathering for kids on Laura Krouse’s working farm. Refreshments for all.
Driving Directions
If you are interested in farming, urban farming, gardening, children’s literature, mark your calendar and plan to join us. We had so much fun with the cake for The Chiru of High Tibet that we may have to have cake, too.
Come Saturday and/or Sunday to find out!
Philip Lee at Readers to Eaters, Eric-Shabazz Larkin, and I are excited about this early review of Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table. Come to the parties, hear the story of Will Allen, talk about farming–urban or rural. Celebrate an amazing man – Will Allen!